BINABITROP is a referential database that contains literature on Costa Rica tropical biology, published in the country and abroad. It collects publications, from the 19th century to the present, with the following goals:
- Detect documents on Costa Rican tropical biology in both national and foreign publications.
- Disseminate this information through the OTS website platform.
- Make the information available to interested people around the world.
- Be the main tool for accessing specialized biological information.
- Be the most important source in Costa Rica for registering the production of biological scientific knowledge.
- Maintain communication with the producers of the information.
- Establish a habit for researchers to send a copy of their documents to OTS.
- Obtain a copy of publications outside the country.
- Generate specialized bibliographies.
- Participate in national and international information systems and networks.
- Offer accessibility to full-text articles.
- Serve as a facilitator of communication between scientists generating information.
The records in the database contain theses, books, book excerpts, magazine articles, conference presentations, reports, multimedia, etc. with information primarily in English or Spanish on tropical biology and related topics in Costa Rica. Of these, more than 45121 documents are available in PDF format.
The concept of biology [sensus latus] in thematic scope includes agricultural, veterinary, forestry, environmental, land, sea, and natural resources. The records include, among other information, relevant aspects such as the location of the document and, in the event that conditions allow and appropriate permissions have been granted, a copy of the document in electronic format. All information contained in BINABITROP is strictly for academic or research (non-commercial) use only. Unauthorized use of the materials stored in BINABITROP may violate applicable copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws.