
Research Visits

You can register your research project, request a research permit (required in Costa Rica), and make reservations through the Research Database portal.  Please note that your research project must be registered in the Research Database and approved before the start of your visit.

Rates: (Note that these rates are only for research or educational use of the stations. If you are a natural history visitor, please refer to the Natural History section of our website for relevant information.)

Valid from 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024, Currency: US Dollars. Standard rates before application of aid: Overnight $88.00, Day Visit $44.50.

These amounts are valid for all the OTS Biological Stations. Research visits of up to thirty days qualify for short-term aid; those over thirty days receive long-term aid.

Station fees include your room and board and unlimited access to shared lab and office space, the field, paths and observation platforms, libraries, collections, and WI-FI connection. There are other expenses, however, which are not covered in the station fees and are charged separately, for example but not limited to: transportation, exclusive use of office or lab space, or building of structures. Here is a list of additional services we provide.

These prices are all in USD and do not include Costa Rica taxes (VAT). However, due to the volatility of certain items (especially gas) and of the Colon-USD exchange rate, prices are likely to change often.

We will strive to update this information periodically but, when in doubt or if you need certainty of current prices, please contact the people listed in these documents. During your budget preparation, we advise that you to discuss your budget with the station director and make sure all potential expenses are covered. Please be aware that we also charge a service fee for some of these expenses.

Type of Visit OTS Member Non OTS Member
Latin American Non Latin American Latin American Non Latin American
Overnight Day Visit Overnight Day Visit Overnight Day Visit Overnight Day Visit
Groups – Courses
Course $37.83 $19.14 $74.80 $37.83 $45.76 $23.14 $88.00 $44.50
Others $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50
High Schools n/a n/a n/a n/a $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50
Groups – Workshops
Course $57.20 $28.93 $74.80 $37.83 $61.60 $31.15 $88.00 $44.50
Others $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50 $88.00 $44.50
Short Term $51.04 $25.81 $74.80 $37.83 $57.20 $28.93 $88.00 $44.50
Long Term $41.36 $22.25 $61.60 $31.15 $48.40 $24.48 $74.80 $37.83
Others $74.80 $37.83 $84.48 $42.72 $74.80 $37.83 $88.00 $44.50
Short Term $42.24 $22.25 $52.80 $31.15 $52.80 $26.70 $66.00 $33.38
Long Term $32.56 $17.80 $35.20 $17.80 $42.24 $21.36 $51.04 $28.93
Others $74.80 $37.83 $83.60 $42.28 $74.80 $38.27 $88.00 $44.50

Fees for children ages 5-12 are half the standard fees. That is, children are charged $44.50 per day for overnight visits and $22.50 per day for daytime visits. Children do not receive station-fee aid from OTS. Fees for children are the responsibility of adults they accompany.

Long-term stays at OTS Research Stations
Board of Directors old