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Words of appreciation words from Beth Braker, President and CEO

As you review the different stories from the current e-Canopy, one theme that stands out is OTS’ deep appreciation for all of your friends. As George and I mention in the first article – “Your time, your energy, and your donations have made all of this possible.” The second major...

Palabras de agradecimiento de Beth Braker, directora ejecutiva y presidenta de OET

Mientras leen las diferentes historias de este e-Canopy, se daran cuenta que un tema que sobresale es el profundo agradecimiento de la OET a todos sus amigos y amigas. Como George y yo mencionamos en el primer artículo: "Su tiempo, su energía y sus donaciones han hecho todo esto posible"....

An excerpt from The Green Fuse: An Ecological Odyssey by John Harte

An excerpt from The Green Fuse: An Ecological Odyssey by John Harte The following text is excerpted from Chapter Five of The Green Fuse: An Ecological Odyssey by John Harte (1993) A peculiar dance was in progress. With a seemingly uncanny sense of timing, each performer approached and parted from...

A Message from Beth Braker and George Middendorf for the OTS Community

Dear Members of the OTS Community: Now that the holiday season has passed and we are well into the second semester, many of us in the OTS community look fondly toward the end of the academic year in May when we get away to do research, to lead classes, and...

Mensaje de Beth Braker y George Middendorf para la Comunidad OET

Estimados miembros de la comunidad OET, Ahora que han pasado las vacaciones y comienza el segundo semestre, muchos de los integrantes de la comunidad de la OET esperamos con impaciencia esa semana crítica de vacaciones en marzo y, con más cariño, el final del año académico en mayo, cuando nos...

Field Notes from South Africa

Jessica Rehmann, Washington University at St. Louis – 2019 African Ecology & Conservation in South Africa I dreaded the days leading up to my flight from the comforts of home, to go across the world to a new country and a new continent. My introverted self, shuddered at the thought...