OTS has a 55-year history of cutting-edge research and breakthrough discoveries. Your investment in OTS’ research efforts can provide immediate benefits and a lasting impact for future generations.
Your investment in critical research can help foster new discoveries in several ways:
- Named fellowship to support a Ph.D. student or a resident scientist at one of the field stations: This is a great way to establish a family legacy and advance our understanding of the tropics.
- Tools for discovery: OTS has an on-going need to upgrade lab equipment and technology at the field stations. Your investment can help attract new researchers or jump-start existing projects.
- Named funds or endowments can provide a lasting impact that permanently links your family to OTS’ mission.
Funding possibilities include:
- Pilot funding for new researchers can provide critical, early support that can lead to larger research grants.
- OTS research fund to support staff and instructors who are on the cutting edge of science because of their immersion in the tropical environment.
- Innovation fund to advance promising discoveries to scale. For example, OTS research at Le Selva is discovery promising methods to remove exotic plants and your investment can help expand this effort throughout the region.
To learn more about OTS’ Research Program, please click here.
You are also invited to contact Jim Boyle, Vice President of Philanthropy, to explore projects that match your personal goals and interests. Jim can be reached at james.boyle@tropicalstudies.org.